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Salas y Gómez & Nazca ridges extended version (English / Spanish / French)
Salas y Gómez & Nazca ridges highlights (English / Spanish / French)
Maritime cultural heritage of the Salas y Gómez & Nazca ridges (English / Spanish / French)
Salas y Gómez & Nazca ridges factsheet & map (English / Spanish / French)
Maritime cultural heritage of the Salas y Gómez & Nazca ridges (English / Spanish / French)
Salas y Gómez & Nazca ridges by the numbers (English)
Coral Reefs on the High Seas Coalition factsheet (English)
Story Maps
Science Articles
Paper on the importance of the Salas y Gómez and Nazca ridges. SPRFMO. Sep 2022.
Description of a new and widely distributed species of black coral. PeerJ. Feb 2022.
Conserving the last ocean frontiers. GIS for Science: Maps for Saving the Planet. Oct 2021.
Social Media
Annual Reports
2021 Coral Reefs of the High Seas Coalition Annual Report. Dec. 2021.
2020 Coral Reefs of the High Seas Coalition Annual Report. May 2020.
News Stories
Supporting the conservation of the Salas y Gómez & Nazca ridges. High Seas Alliance. Mar. 2022.
Scientists find a new black coral hidden in plain sight. Honolulu Civil Beat. Feb. 2022.
Deep-sea study records species found nowhere else on Earth. EcoWatch. Jul. 2021.
Scientists discover extraordinary ecosystem on submarine ridges off Chile and Peru (in Spanish). Mongabay. Jul. 2021.
Deep-sea expeditions to Salas y Gómez and Nazca reveal new ecosystems (in Spanish). La Tercera. Jul. 2021.
In the high seas, scientists uncover a vortex of life. Conservation News. Jun. 2021.
Chile wants to protect part of high seas ahead of global treaty. China Dialogue Ocean. Jun. 2021.
How deep-sea coral reefs protect marine biodiversity. Livekindly. Jan. 2021.
New coral species discovered on seabed prized for mining potential. Reuters. Oct. 2020.
Newly discovered coral species face uncertainty in Pacific’s depths. Conservation News. Oct. 2020.
‘Secret rainforests’ have been discovered deep in our oceans. World Economic Forum. Oct. 2020.
Coral ‘rainforests’ discovered in deep waters. Monaco Tribune. Oct. 2020.
Deep beneath the high seas, researchers find rich coral oases. Science Magazine. Sep. 2020.
In high seas, scientists see a lifeline for coral reefs. Conservation News. Sep. 2020.
Coral Reefs on the High Seas Coalition. Deep-Sea Life Issue 14. Mar. 2020.
Launch of the Coral Reefs on the High Seas Coalition. High Seas Alliance. Aug. 2019.